Barcamp 2 – Day 2 – Glen Gordon discusses MVC

It’s beta.  Michael Ivey says it is cool, and when a merb guy says a msft thing is worth looking at I figure I should check it out.

I’m definitely feeling tired though.  My typings is particularly clumsy today, so you probably have noticed that the last few live blogs have been degrading in quality.  I’ll chock it up to a long week exacerbated by watching too much election coverage. Of course none of that has anything to do with a model-view-controller pattern implemented in ASP, but as it turns out, this wasn’t a presentation, just an overview from Glen Gordon.

That’s the way ball bounces sometimes when you are live-blogging and still half asleep.

Oh, it looks like Glen WILL do an MVC presentation this afternoon.  Not sure if I’ll check it out depends on what other presentations are competing for the time slot.

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