Category Archives: commentary

Whole Brand Thinking™ with sQuishiepuss

I’ve recently embarked on a fascinating journey taking local Atlanta artist Ray Geier, aka sQuishiepuss through my Whole Brand Thinking™ coaching process.

He’s calling the series “Discovering Myself with Doodleslice” and so far we’ve recorded parts 1, 2, and 2.5.

This is an in depth discussion that probes into Ray’s origin and several other contributing factors that are actively shaping his brand. The goal of the process is to give Ray more insights into his own personal drivers and to develop a clearer story as a result.

So far we’ve recorded almost 4 hours of conversation, split into three videos, recorded in two sessions. That puts us at about the halfway point so watch for more content to come in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, here are the videos so far:
Discovering myself with Doodleslice part 1
Discovering myself with Doodleslice part 2
Discovering myself with Doodleslice part 2.5

And be sure to subscribe to Ray’s sQuishiepuss Youtube Channel to stay up to date on new Hellion’s podcasts!

You can also listen in to sQuishiepuss on iTunes!

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I visited Hellions with sQuishiepuss!

I had a great time visiting with Atlanta artist Ray Geier, better known around town as sQuishiepuss. Besides being an awesome artist, Ray has started a video channel called Hellions, which is his forum for interviewing other artists, talking about the creative life, and giving straightforward talk about the business of being an artist.

Check out the show and Ray’s art, and be sure to subscribe to his channel!

Also, you may not know, Ray and I collaborated on a painting, which is for sale in Ray’s webshop – check it out!

Also posted in art, branding, Branding Thoughts, creativity, entrepreneurs, Live event, nofoto, video | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments closed

The Doodleslice Doodle Manifesto

Stultorum Calami Carbones 2014-01-22

I wrote this about a month ago originally thinking that it might be about four or five items in length. It’s now up to 37 and counting.

The Doodleslice Doodle Art Manifesto

1) Lines are movements, let them dance.
2) Accidents are beautiful.
3) Overworked is the enemy.
4) Over-thought is the enemy.
5) Smiles and laughter are not just important, they are noble, elevating, aesthetic experiences.
6) Respect the integrity of your chosen media, embrace the quirks of your chosen media.
7) Experiment!
8) Practice acceptance.
9) Respond!
10) Improvise!
11) Let people see what you make especially the pieces that make you nervous.
12) Art is Love for everybody.
13) We make art on Earth. We are Earthlings one and all and only one planet is open for business.
14) Choose Mudita over Schadenfreude.
15) Glory in color.
16) Strive to bring the feeling of color even when using only a black pen on white paper.
17) Even a single line can be beautiful.
18) Even a single line can be profound.
19) Your hand knows its business – don’t be too swift to judge it when it surprises you.
20) Doodling is openness to the essential.
21) When in doubt, draw a bird.
22) When in doubt, draw a bunny.
23) When in doubt, write a word in the middle of the page. Love is a great word to choose.
24) Believe in every line you draw.
25) When in doubt, be simple and spare.
26) When in doubt, be complex and turbulent.
27) When in doubt about starting, make a single random mark on the canvas or page.
28) When in doubt about finishing, stop and walk away. If you’re not finished you’ll know it when you come back.
29) Poems love doodles and doodles love poems.
30) Grownups deserve art that is joyful without being jaded, mawkish, ironic or saccharine. They need it at least as much as kids do.
31) Give yourself permission to put your whole heart into what you do.
32) Give yourself permission to love the silly, the whimsical, the absurd.
33) Hug unreservedly.
34) When in doubt, draw!
35) When certain, draw!
36) Draw! Draw! Draw!
37) And don’t forget to post.

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Keep Exploring

Still Life by Patrick Cardinale

This is a painting by Patrick Cardinale, a friend from my days at Montclair State. Sadly, I lost touch with him somewhere over the years, but he was a very talented artist – an explorer. We traded pieces a couple of times. I think he got one of my figurative paintstick drawings and I got this wonderful still life that hangs in our entryway. He was always interested in texture and surface and I always felt this piece brought together an element of German neo-expressionism to an otherwise very traditional form.

Seeing it almost daily now for decades it, as is natural, is usually just part of that ambient visual hum that I call home. But every once in a while it calls my attention in a more compelling way and it reminds me that even in the most mundane of subjects, the most commonplace of formats, there remains room for expression and frontiers for invention if you have the will and the humility to keep exploring.

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Love A Dove #doodle #ACEO

Love A Dove - doodle no.1699 by David Doodleslice Cohen

2013-05-01 #1699

This doodle is actually smaller than it appears here. It is made on what is known as an artist’s trading card or ATC. Also called an ACEO which stands for Art Cards, Editions and Originals. To be called an ACEO the card can be any artist’s support like card stock, bristol, illustration board, canvas paper, or in this case, watercolor paper. However, the size has to be 2.5 x 3.5 inches. I hope you like the format because I plan to do a bunch of these. 🙂

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permission not required #doodle

Permission not required - doodle no.1688 by David doodleslice Cohen

2013-04-25 #1688

This certificate is to remind you that you don’t need anybody’s permission to fully, wonderfully, awesomely, YOU!

Luceat Lux Vestra is latin for Let Your Light Shine.

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