Monthly Archives: April 2019

Ugh 🤒

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Sketch Society this Wednesday! This is a group where all artists of legal bar-going age are welcome to come, hangout with other artists, make any art portable enough to do in a bar booth, and have fun. Join us Wednesday for the Atlanta Sketch Society It’s a drink & draw gathering held every Wednesday at 8pm at Trackside Tavern in Decatur. We welcome artists of all skill levels and styles. We’re also nice to poets, photographers, basically anyone who wants to hang out and talk about and/or make art. Bring your own sketch book, but ya gotta buy your drinks at the bar 😊👍 . This week’s theme is “Chess or checkers?”. .. Spread the word!  #getsketchy #supportlocalartists #drinkanddraw #sketching #atlarts #decaturga #drawing #doodling #artist #atlantaartist #sketchbook #chessorcheckers #atlsketchsociety #pencil #marker #conversation #atlanta (at Trackside Tavern)

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Bunny tessellation #bunny #rabbit #tessellation #art #artist #drawing #digitalart #mcescherinspired #math #atlanta #atl #atlantaartist #atlartist

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It’s a wonderful thing to sell a drawing or a painting, but every once in a while at an art market someone will buy one of my poetry magnets and I have to say it is an amazing feeling. To have a stranger read your inner thoughts and say yeah, I want to keep those words with me even though by reading they have already consumed them, it really is a helluva thing. A deep sense of being acknowledged. It’s pure nourishment. Anyway, I am deeply grateful to the couple who today chose to purchase a copy of this poem to make it a part of their own private landscape. I stare at the sun instead of watching where I’m going I watch the light of my dreams so bright that I’m blind as the night twinkle twinkle I see so clearly every orbit but never the satellite that blindsides me So I wink back at every flirty star I whisper their names the ones they gave each other before eternity made her plans I wonder where my feet are or where they will be tomorrow when I dance behind my door or in front of yours in the morning I taste the grass and Earth in my bruised teeth I stubbed my toe on the moon again should have watched where I was going —- By Doodleslice #poem

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Mixed media #art The Bunny Cuddler

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Facebook Status – 2019-04-27T13:48:12.000Z

Come on out and say howdy!
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