Facebook Status – November 09, 2017 at 06:29AM

Oh Monster Oh Monster

Oh Monster, Oh Monster, why so ravenous?
Oh Child, sweet Child, my belly is cavernous

Oh Monster, strange Monster, vast and horrible
Why must you be so crude, so deplorable?

Hush now, Not true! Why inside I’m adorable
Just climb through my jaws, you’ll find me explorable

Oh Monster, Oh Monster, you think I’m so hasty?
Oh Child, wild Child, I am hoping that you’re tasty

Perhaps child I should mash and grind you with stones
Boil you in a soup pot and gnaw your shin bones

You’d slobber and slurp and roast me with coal?
I’ll grobble and glurp and gulp you down whole

Oh Monster, mean Monster, if my life you would spare
I would brush all your teeth and untangle your hair

Oh Child, vile Child! Such cruelty! Such menace!
Combing one’s hair is a terrible penance!

And brushing my teeth would destroy all my sweet plaque
To a monster like me that’s a vicious attack

Look Monster, Dear Monster, I have scrub brush and soap
Dreadful Child! Fearsome Child! To your soap I say NOPE!

Oh Monster! Oh Monster! Where are you going?
Out in the cold where it’s icy and blowing?

Oh Child, sweet Child, I only stopped by for a bite
But threats of good hygiene have given me such fright
They’ve ruined my mood and stolen my appetite
So I bid you adieu. Pleasant dreams now. Goodnight!

By Doodleslice

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