2011-12-29 #1234
Inspired by something Pat House said: “Maybe your sock is a birds nestsomewhere.”
🙂 https://www.equationarts.com
2011-12-29 #1234
Inspired by something Pat House said: “Maybe your sock is a birds nest2011-12-29 #1233
As long as there are creative people there will always be critics.2011-12-29 #1232
It’s something I seem to do a lot. I must have an ancestor that was a2011-12-29 #1231
https://www.equationarts.com2011-12-28 #1230
Yes, some may find it a little on the sappy side, but that’s a risk
a wee monster #doodle
2011-12-31 #1235
This, apparently, is what you draw when you fall asleep on the sofa,wake up at 3:15 AM and then can’t get back to sleep. https://www.equationarts.com