Thanks to Alan Urech for this info – thought all of my fellow Atlanta Startup Weekend alumni might find this interesting:
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Atlanta is now accepting applications from start-up companies who would like to participate in their January 13, 2010 Run It By The Pros workshop.
During this MIT Enterprise Forum event four companies will be given the opportunity to present their “ten minute pitch” to a volunteer pro panel made up of representatives from the Atlanta start up community, including an investor, serial entrepreneur and lawyer. After the presentation and panel feedback, the audience will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the pitch and company.
There is no cost for the selected presenters to participate in this event. The workshop will be held from 3:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at the law offices of Sutherland, located at 999 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309. The judging criteria and an application are attached.
The deadline to submit your application and Executive Summary for consideration is Friday, December 4, 2009 at 12 noon. Both documents are required to complete your application and should be sent to [not me 🙂 I put a copy of the application form and guidelines here: ]
Please forward this announcement to anyone who you feel has an interest in application. I’ve attended a few of these and if you get accepted be ready to be put under the microscope, but it can really sharpen up your investor presentation.
ACE – GA Green Loans Webinar
I just got the go ahead to share a webinar that I gave today for ACE/Georgia Green Loans Small Business Educational Series.
We had a little technical glitch in the beginning, but I think the rest went well. If you’d like to view it or download it just follow this link:
There’s also an offer near the end of the program that’s good until January 31, 2011.
Happy Holidays!