C'mon in!
Welcome! Or maybe I should say Welcome Back! As some of you know I used to write my blog over at
davidscohen.wordpress.com. Well, no longer. This is the first blog post that I’m composing here on my
brand-spanking new site. Hosting the blog with
WordPress.com was great for a while – in fact it is wonderfully easy to do – if you’re new to blogging I highly recommend it. I just needed to add some fancy plugins and things that they don’t let you do over there, plus I wanted a tighter integration with the rest of my stuff.
So what’s the stuff?
Well if you’re here you’ve certainly noticed that this is a major rebranding/rebuild of my website. It was a butt-kicker getting here, but I’m very excited about it and I’ve got lots of plans for more content, business tools, doodles and fun down the road. Yes, it’s ok to say “business tools” and “fun” in the same sentence, in fact that’s part of the point of the redesign.
If you were a fan of the old blog don’t worry, all the old posts and drawings have been moved here along with a whole lot more. I’ve put up more galleries for doodles of Space Bunnies and such, a better page for keeping track of my podcast, The Be a Beacon Show – Personal Branding with David Cohen, and something new, an ecard service, which I’m calling doodlegrams.
I hope you’ll continue to visit the blog and explore this website, it’s new home, and if you do please drop me a note to let me know what you think.
Thank you so much!
This entry was posted in blogging, branding, Branding Thoughts, commentary and tagged blog, blogging, branding, rebranding, web redesign, wordpress. Bookmark the
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Welcome! So glad you’re here!
C'mon in!
So what’s the stuff?
Well if you’re here you’ve certainly noticed that this is a major rebranding/rebuild of my website. It was a butt-kicker getting here, but I’m very excited about it and I’ve got lots of plans for more content, business tools, doodles and fun down the road. Yes, it’s ok to say “business tools” and “fun” in the same sentence, in fact that’s part of the point of the redesign.
If you were a fan of the old blog don’t worry, all the old posts and drawings have been moved here along with a whole lot more. I’ve put up more galleries for doodles of Space Bunnies and such, a better page for keeping track of my podcast, The Be a Beacon Show – Personal Branding with David Cohen, and something new, an ecard service, which I’m calling doodlegrams.
I hope you’ll continue to visit the blog and explore this website, it’s new home, and if you do please drop me a note to let me know what you think.
Thank you so much!